
Response to concerns about Emicuzumab

Recently reports have been shared on social media about deaths relating to a new treatment…
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Share your views with NHS England

NHS England is considering making available a new treatment, Emicizumab (Hemlibra), as an alternative to…
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APPG Inquiry into Access to Treatment – Call for Evidence

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Haemophilia and Contaminated Blood has launched an Inquiry into the…
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Advocating for Access to New Treatment

This is an exciting time as new treatments and new treatment approaches for bleeding disorders…
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Managing Treatment and Access to Products post Brexit

Many of our members have expressed concerns about how access to the treatments they require…
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Supporter story – Father is inspired to run the London Marathon after his son is diagnosed with haemophilia A

Hello I am Sam and this is our story about our youngest son Jaxon and…
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Supporter story – Caroline Duff and her son Sean take on the London Marathon

I met my husband on the first day of Freshers week at Leeds University in…
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Recruiting members to join haemophilia centre review teams

For many years haemophilia centres have been audited every 3 years to assess the quality…
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Initial Diagnosis Report Launched

Early this year The Haemophilia Society began a project to understand the experiences of families…
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Monthly updates launched

So much happens here at The Society, and we want to share all of these…
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Announcement from NHSE on Inhibitor Treatment

NHSE has announced that Emicizumab (marketed as Hemlibra) can be provided to Haemophilia A patients with…
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DWP Reviewing PIP Applications from People with Bleeding Disorders

In October 2017, the Department for Work and Pensions set up a working group with…
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