Healthcare Posts

Response from NHSBT regarding Corona Virus and blood safety

We understand that our members may have concerns about blood and blood product safety and…
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Want to share your experience of living with, or caring for children with haemophilia A?

We are working with Roche Products Limited and Chugai Pharma UK Ltd to help recruit…
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Roche/Chugai statement regarding particles in vials of Hemlibra®▼ (emicizumab)

During a routine examination of drug product batches, as part of our quality assurance systems…
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BBC2 documentary on vCJD

Following last night’s BBC2 documentary on vCJD – Mad Cow Disease: The Great British Beef…
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Getting information from UKHCDO – an update

The United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors’ Organisation (UKHCDO) has produced an explanatory document about patient…
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Setting priorities for bleeding disorders – final report published

From 2015 -2018 The Haemophilia Society came together with a wide range of charities, clinical…
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Response to concerns about Emicuzumab

Recently reports have been shared on social media about deaths relating to a new treatment…
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Share your views with NHS England

NHS England is considering making available a new treatment, Emicizumab (Hemlibra), as an alternative to…
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Managing Treatment and Access to Products post Brexit

Many of our members have expressed concerns about how access to the treatments they require…
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Initial Diagnosis Report Launched

Early this year The Haemophilia Society began a project to understand the experiences of families…
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DWP Reviewing PIP Applications from People with Bleeding Disorders

In October 2017, the Department for Work and Pensions set up a working group with…
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New report explores better outcomes for young people with haemophilia

Haemophilia 180 – Taking control A better future for younger people with haemophilia The Haemophilia…
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