Emily’s fundraising efforts reach dizzying heights 

Written by Sam Wilson, August 29, 2024

Some people do fundraising runs, walks and cycles, others bake cakes. Emily is hurling herself over the side of the largest cathedral in Britain!  

On 7 September 2024, Emily is abseiling down Liverpool Cathedral to raise money for the Haemophilia Society (THS). ‘I’ve never been much of a runner so a fun run or 10k was never going to be an option. Jumping off a building is much more up my street’  

Her partner’s family are affected by haemophilia and have been associated with THS for many years. ‘It’s a cause that’s very close to our hearts. I volunteered at youth camp a few years ago and loved it. It was such a fun experience and seeing the difference it made to the kids was incredible.’  

The Liverpool Cathedral Abseil is an annual event that takes place across three weekends in September. Last year more than 800 people took part – raising over £180,000 for 40 different charities. Emily said: ‘I’ve lived in Liverpool for a couple of years now. I came across the event and thought it was such a cool opportunity to see the city from a completely different perspective.’  

When asked if she was scared about the prospect of the 150ft descent, Emily said ‘it’s by far the greatest height I’ve abseiled. The hardest part will be when I’m at the top. You go down by yourself with no one to push you.’  

Emily initially set herself a fundraising target of £250 but within 24 hours she’d surpassed it. She’s now on £350 with a week and half to go. If you’d like to find out more and donate to Emily’s fundraiser, you can do so here.

Good luck Emily! Don’t look down!