IBCA meeting to discuss compensation concerns

Written by Jessica Bomford, September 26, 2024

We will be meeting representatives from the Infected Blood Compensation Authority (IBCA) on 1 October to put forward some of the many questions and concerns we have received from our members.

Kate Burt, our Chief Executive, and Conan McIlwrath, our Chair-elect, will meet IBCA representatives, including David Foley, interim Chief Executive and Sir Robert Francis, interim Chair, to press home the need for clarity on how the scheme will work. We have also invited Brian Mahony, Chief Executive of the Irish Haemophilia Society, to join the meeting to offer his insights from dealing with the compensation process in Ireland.

We have been inundated with emails and phone calls asking what the compensation calculations mean for individuals and their families as well as comments about problems with the scheme to be raised with IBCA. You can find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions here.

We agree that there are still some major issues which need to be addressed and we will be raising many of your concerns at our meeting. These include:

  • Concern that the scheme does not adequately reflect the experiences of people with hepatitis C
  • Lack of recognition of bereaved adult siblings
  • Lack of recognition of the impact of interferon treatment for hepatitis C
  • Concern that there’s no compensation for the impact of potential vCJD infection
  • More clarification needed on how a ‘date of infection’ can be established
  • Details of how a £100,000 interim payment to some bereaved families will be made
  • Information on how Inheritance Tax might apply to gifts made from payments to estates
  • The need for a clearer timetable for when payments will be made.

The meeting next week is one of a number which are taking place with campaign groups and charities. We will update you on what we learn from the meeting.

You can contact us on [email protected].