Mother-daughter cycle raises over £2k in memory of grandad

Written by Sam Wilson, June 25, 2024

Mother and daughter Emily and Heather have got on their bikes to raise more than £2,000 in memory of their beloved dad and grandad, Bill Payne.

Bill, who was a former trustee of the Haemophilia Society and a long-standing supporter of our charity, died in 2021 and is much-missed in our community. Emily, Bill’s daughter, and Heather, his granddaughter are both carriers of the haemophilia B gene. They decided to take part in the London to Essex 100 bike ride to raise money for the Haemophilia Society and the haematology unit at the Bristol Royal Infirmary where Bill was treated for many  years.

Emily said: ‘Neither of us are big cyclists, so this was quite a challenge. We were exhausted and elated to get the ride done, it was a fantastic event to be part of and we’re so pleased to have raised some much-needed money for the society and the haematology unit at the BRI.

‘My lovely dad had many hard times and struggles during his life and bore them all with patience and grace, and we hope we did him proud. He was a wonderful dad who was always there for me.’

The ride took place just a few days after the Infected Blood Inquiry published its final report in May, which was a very poignant day for Emily and her family. Bill and his brother were both infected as a result of the contaminated blood scandal, but neither survived to see the outcome of the inquiry.

Emily said: ‘I wish my lovely dad, and my uncle, had been around to see the report. They fought for so many years against illness and government.’

Heather, who has only recently discovered she is a carrier of the haemophilia B gene, as is her sister, suggested she and her mum take part in the bike ride to raise awareness about the condition and to pay tribute to Bill and the way in which he coped with his haemophilia.

Heather said: ‘He was my inspiration, and I know he would be so proud of me and my mum if he could see what we are doing.’

There’s still time to contribute to Heather and Emily’s fundraising. You can donate here.