Fit for the Future Summer Appeal 

This summer we’re raising money for our work in support of specialist physiotherapy for everyone with a bleeding disorder. 

We want to ensure specialist physiotherapy services are fit for the future, because your quality of life depends on it.  

Physiotherapy helps people with a bleeding disorder achieve a healthy, active lifestyle which can reduce the risk of injury, pain and joint damage. Being more active can also boost confidence and is great for your mental health.  

Although physiotherapy is a core service for people with haemophilia and other genetic bleeding disorders, a recent survey showed that 59% of Comprehensive Care Centres have an ‘inadequate’ service. This is not good enough.  

Help us continue to push for better standards of care.  

At the Haemophilia Society we work with individual centres, specialist physiotherapists, government and leadership organisations, such as NHS England, to improve this crucial service. 

We also offer support and advice to our members about the importance of physio and how to access it. 

Everyone with a genetic bleeding disorder should have access to specialist physiotherapy services. With your support, we will work to make that a reality.  

How you can make a difference 

£10 goes towards printing our A-Z of Physical Activity for children under 12 with a bleeding disorder. 

£20 directly supports a sporting activity at HaemFest, our weekend camping event. 

£50 provides the opportunity for a child to try a new sports activity at our annual Youth Camp. 

£100 helps us to lobby government and NHS bodies for improved provision of physiotherapy in haemophilia centres for people with bleeding disorders. 

£150 supports an expert workshop on keeping active in later life at our Big Get-Together annual conference in November. 

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Donation Total: £50.00