After being diagnosed with type 3 VWD at the age of three at Great Ormond Street Hospital, Susan has been a member of THS for over 30 years.
Susan is a qualified barrister and works at the Hepatitis C Trust as the lead on the Infected Blood Inquiry As part of her role at the HCT she has extensive knowledge and experience of dealing and supporting individual clients and a clear understanding regarding the complexities of the support schemes and the Inquiry. She is currently Vice Chair on the board of trustees at THS and is also a member of the Public Inquiry sub-committee.
Susan lives in London and has three daughters, Amelia, Arabella and Eloise (15, 12 and 14 months). She has a good appreciation of the immense challenges of managing a bleeding disorder and a young family. “I try to teach my daughters that through the adversity I have faced that nothing is impossible, if you are passionate and tenacious enough”.
Susan’s interests include yoga, pilates and baking with her daughters. Susan is delighted to be on the board at THS, “I am really looking forward to helping support THS and its members and to contribute to its continued success and development.”