Jack Acornley

Youth Ambassador

Hi I’m Jack and I have moderate haemophilia A and hope to study Mechanical Engineering at university. I was diagnosed with my two brothers when I was eight. I learnt about The Haemophilia Society after my diagnosis and participated in a youth camp a few years later.

Having haemophilia from an early age hasn’t stopped me from living, it is just another stepping stone in my life. It guided me onto a path where I continue to lead a sporty life where I regularly run. I pivoted to running from football after my diagnosis. It has become an integral part of who I am as I have competed in national and regional events for North Yorkshire.

Running has lead me to becoming a Youth Ambassador after my 10k a day fundraising challenge over November 2023. I am excited for my future with this opportunity and I hope to spread awareness for bleeding disorders and show that bleeding disorders shouldn’t limit you from living a fun and active lifestyle, that it is just another step in the walk of life.