Alexander Taylor-Rose

HAH Patient Forum Representative

Alexander Taylor-Rose is 25 years old with type A Haemophilia. He was diagnosed at the age of 3 after his twin brother (Josh) had an altercation in hospital, despite his mother being a carrier of the haemophilia gene, it still wasn’t picked up at birth. Whilst living with haemophilia, he has still been able to live his life to the full, being active and healthy.

Alex has played water polo and football at a high level with his treatment being the main reason why he’s been able to continuously play these physically demanding sports. Alex stopped playing these sports regularly after university and the demands of starting a job. Alex has also enjoyed skiing from a young age as well as swimming. Alex has kept on top of his treatment and taking his bleeding disorder very seriously, especially in the last 5 years. Without the great support of The Society, his consultants at St. Georges Hospital, especially Dr. Steve Austin, and his family, Alex would not be as confident about his bleeding disorder.

Alex has been a Youth Ambassador since March 2019 and it is something he is very passionate about. He feels it’s extremely important to be able to give back to the community, whether it be supporting events such as Youth Camp, Newly Diagnosed weekends, or in recent times, attending virtual meetups through the COVID-19 pandemic. He continuously wants to add as much value to his community, always happy to help where and whenever possible.