World Haemophilia Day 2023

Every year on 17 April, we come together to raise awareness and drive change for people living with haemophilia. This year’s theme is ‘Access for All: Prevention of bleeds as the global standard of care,’ which highlights the need for better access to treatments and care, ultimately aiming to support people with bleeding disorders to effectively manage their condition. 

Adam’s Story

Meet Adam. He was diagnosed with haemophilia at nine months old. Growing up, he was constantly covered in bruises on his arms and legs, but with effective management of his condition, Adam does not feel like he has had to miss out on all the things he has wanted to do – from playing golf, to going on holiday, and starting a starting a family of his own. 

Haemophilia is a lifelong condition in which blood does not clot properly, often causing unexplained and excessive bleeding that is not the result of injury. However, today there is a standard of care available that can help patients to live an active, independent, and fulfilling life. 

We have been marking World Haemophilia Day since it was launched by the World Federation of Hemophilia, of which The Haemophilia Society UK is a member organisation, in 1989. Together as a community, we are working to improve awareness and education for people living with bleeding disorders.

There are many ways you can lend a hand and support the bleeding disorder community this World Haemophilia Day

  • Share your story on social media using the hashtags #WHD2023, #WorldHemophiliaDay and #LightItUpRed to join the conversation and spread awareness
  • Update your social media cover photos for World Haemophilia Day
  • Challenge your friends, family, and co-workers to post a picture on social media of themselves wearing red for the day

To learn more about World Haemophilia Day, visit: