Studying Abroad

Studying abroad will open you up to many new experiences, allowing you to see the world while furthering your career prospects.

It would be best to begin your research 12-18 months before you travel – doing so will give you plenty of time to sort out your application, funding, visa and more. You also need to check that the qualification you will receive will be recognised in the UK. Avoid courses that don’t transfer academic credit towards your award.

Things to be aware of:

  • UK residents who apply directly to non-UK universities are not eligible for UK student loans.
  • Tuition fees are often higher for international students studying abroad.
  • Not all universities offer accommodation to UK students studying abroad – check this out early.
  • Studying your subject in a foreign language can be challenging – make sure the overseas course or exchange opportunity you’re considering is taught in your preferred language.

If you are not sure where to start, ask yourself:

  • Is it right for me? Choosing the right subject and course for you is essential – don’t focus on just getting the overseas experience.
  • How much does it cost? Carefully consider the costs of living and studying in the UK and abroad. You’ll need to think about course fees too.
  • What about my bleeding disorder? You need to think about how you will access healthcare and get the treatment you need if you study overseas (Global Treatment Centre). Discuss your plans with your Haemophilia Centre.
  • Do I need a visa? You may need to apply for a student visa or apply to the university to study overseas. Sometimes, These can take several months, so allowing as much time as possible is essential. Find out more about visas and immigration.
  • Can I work part-time? UK residents studying outside the UK aren’t always eligible to work overseas. Make sure you check to see if there are any restrictions on the type of work and hours of work you can do.
  • How do I apply? You must understand course entry requirements, the university’s application process, and their deadline dates. Look at these carefully – they can differ considerably, especially when comparing course providers in various countries. Read more about applying to study abroad.

Study abroad checklist

  • Choose your course
  • Search for funding
  • Apply for your course
  • Valid passport
  • Obtain your visa
  • Budget for your trip
  • Get insurance for ‘students studying abroad‘ before you leave
  • Check your health

Research your destination:

  • Healthcare system: Look into the quality of medical care in your chosen country. Are there specialists familiar with bleeding disorders? This might involve contacting their national haemophilia society or patient advocacy groups.
  • Insurance: Research student health insurance options that cover treatment for bleeding disorders. Consider if additional travel insurance is necessary.
  • Language: If there’s a language barrier, explore how you’ll communicate with doctors and manage prescriptions.

Planning your healthcare:

  • Doctor’s consultation: Discuss your study abroad plans with your current doctor at your haemophilia treatment centre. They can advise you on managing your condition overseas and provide the necessary documentation.
  • Medical supplies: You must take as much medication as possible, especially if getting in the chosen country is difficult. Research regulations for carrying them and if you’ll need a doctor’s letter.
  • Treatment facilities: Before you go, locate haemophilia treatment centres or hospitals in that country and establish contact if possible.
  • Study school/university: can they help you find a hospital or treatment centre?

Find out everything you’ll need to know about studying abroad

Disclaimer:  The content of this page has been provided by GOV.UK and and are for general information only. It is subject to change without notice.