Moving abroad permanently

If you’re moving abroad permanently, you’ll no longer automatically be entitled to medical treatment under standard NHS rules. This is because the NHS is a residence-based healthcare system. You must notify your GP practice to remove you and your family from the NHS register.

Before leaving for your new destination, you must check what health services are available in that country.

Healthcare systems vary from country to country and might not include services you’d expect to get free of charge on the NHS. You may have to pay a patient contribution towards any treatment you get, or it may be necessary to take out health insurance. It’s also important to highlight that the factor treatment available in the UK may not be available in the country you relocate to.

In most countries, you’ll have to register with the relevant authorities. Once registered as a resident to work and make social security (national insurance) contributions, you’ll be entitled to state-run healthcare on the same basis as a resident of that country. Many countries expect you to make patient contributions or join a national health insurance scheme even if you’re not working.

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)

The FCDO’s living in country guides provide advice for British nationals living abroad, including residency, health and benefits, with specific advice for people in countries affected by the UK’s departure from the EU.

Haemophilia Centres and National Member Organisations Abroad

You can find your nearest haemophilia centre abroad via the following links:

Travelling with a health condition

Buy travel insurance with healthcare coverage for your condition. Your EHIC or GHIC will only cover medically necessary treatment. If you need treatment while abroad, speak to your doctor in the UK for advice before you travel.

Bringing medicine with you

Before you travel, make sure you either:

  • can get any medicine you need in the country you’re going to
  • take enough medication to last until you can access the healthcare in the country you’re going to

Check with the embassy, high commission or consulate of your visiting country for local rules on any specific medicines.

Disclaimer:  The content of this page has been provided by GOV.UK and NHS.UK and is for general information only. It is subject to change without notice.