Bleeding disorders and school
Supporting Children with Bleeding Disorders at School: A Guide for Parents and Educators
Balancing independence with safety
Parents of children with bleeding disorders work tirelessly to ensure their children can live everyday lives. While they understand the need for school staff to be involved in their child’s care, entrusting someone else with monitoring their bleeding disorder can be a challenge.
Children want to feel normal
Children with bleeding disorders, especially when with friends, simply want to be treated like everyone else. They can participate in most activities, and many have learned to manage their condition since birth. Older children may even recognise the signs of a bleed before symptoms appear.
Expertise lies with parents and children
Remember, the parents (and often the child/ren themselves) are the true experts on their specific condition. They can provide detailed information on how the disorder affects their child.
Working together for a safe school environment
The child’s haemophilia treatment centre can offer invaluable support. A haemophilia nurse can collaborate with the school and visit in person to help develop a personalised care plan. This plan ensures everyone at school feels confident in what to do in different situations.
Focus on common bleeding disorders
While all inherited bleeding disorders are rare, our Bleeding disorders and school booklet concentrates on the two most common: haemophilia and von Willebrand disease (VWD). The actions schools need to take for any bleeding disorder are generally similar.
Creating a supportive school environment
Our booklet aims to equip teachers and parents with the tools to create a care plan specifically tailored to the child’s needs. The ultimate goal? Happy, healthy children and school staff who feel confident providing the necessary support.
Addressing teacher needs
Many teachers will have never encountered a child with a bleeding disorder. Our booklet offers support and information to effectively empower them to meet the child’s needs.
Communication and availability are key
Schools are dynamic environments, so several staff members must understand the child’s bleeding disorder. This ensures there’s always someone available to help if needed.