Karen’s Story
Living with a bleeding disorder in lockdown has taught me that it shouldn’t be any different than any other time living with a bleeding disorder.
As long as you have the best support available. I know unfortunately this is not the case for everyone. Having read and listened to other peoples stories I have realised how fortunate I am and have been through my 56 year journey with VWD type 3.
I have and still do have the best family support and excellent care from my haemophilia centre. I have had access to great mental health support as well as physical support when needed.
Throughout lockdown this support has still been available, even if delivered in a different way, for example telephone consultations, prophylaxis treatment brought to me outside the hospital rather than myself going to collect.
I have also successfully worked throughout lockdown with some ‘tweaking’ of my treatment plan and reduction in my hours worked. I am aware that work is needed especially around women with bleeding disorders to achieve excellent care for all.