Webinars and inquiry support

Written by Jessica Bomford, April 24, 2024

We are hosting two events to support people attending the publication of the Infected Blood Inquiry’s final report in London in May as well as two webinars to address questions about compensation and the report’s recommendations. We welcome all members, supporters and their families.

Thursday, 2 May: Compensation latest webinar

On Thursday, 2 May at 7pm we are holding a webinar to discuss the latest on compensation and arrangements for the inquiry’s report launch. Full details of how to join the meeting are here.

Wednesday, 8 May: Compensation latest webinar (for members who were unable to join webinar on 2 May)

On Wednesday, 8 May at 6pm we are holding a webinar to discuss the latest on compensation and arrangements for the inquiry’s report launch. There will also be an update on the Haemophilia Society’s meeting with Paymaster General, John Glen. This webinar has been organised for those who were unable to join us last week due to lack of capacity. Details of how to join are here.

Sunday, 19 May: Informal meeting on eve of inquiry’s report launch

On Sunday, 19 May from 4-6pm we’d like to invite our members and supporters to join us for tea, coffee and refreshments at the church hall next to St Botolph without Bishopsgate, Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3TL. This informal drop-in event is a chance to meet others who are in London for the report launch the following day. We are very grateful to the team at St Botolph for making this room available to us. The church, which is next door, is where the Book of Remembrance is kept of people with haemophilia and other bleeding disorders who died as a result of contaminated blood products.

Monday, 20 May: Join us following the report publication

Following the publication of the inquiry’s report on Monday, 20 May, we have booked a room for members at The Feathers pub, which is nearby, from 5pm to 9pm. We hope this event will give our supporters a chance to digest the inquiry’s report and to discuss it with others on what promises to be a long and emotional day.

Wednesday, 29 May: Webinar to discuss inquiry’s report

Finally, on Wednesday, 29 May at 7pm we’ll be hosting another webinar to discuss the Infected Blood Inquiry’s final report and recommendations. Our Chair, Clive Smith, and Chief Executive, Kate Burt, will be available to answer any questions relating to the Haemophilia Society’s role in the 1970s and 80s. Details of how to join are here.

Contact us

If you are planning to join us at the church hall on 19 May it would be helpful to know for catering purposes, but it is not necessary to book. Contact us at [email protected] to let us know you’ll be there or to ask any questions.