
Read a summary of this week’s evidence

This week the Infected Blood Inquiry has looked at the issue of self-sufficiency and the…
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Read a summary of this week’s evidence

This week the Infected Blood Inquiry has turned to the issue of the manufacture of…
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Read a summary of this week’s evidence

This week there have been three days of evidence at the Infected Blood Inquiry, covering…
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Blood scandal inspires TV drama

A Midlands actor whose brother was infected as a result of the contaminated bloodscandal is…
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Read a summary of this week’s inquiry evidence

This week the Infected Blood Inquiry has looked at guidelines for improving the safety of…
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Read a summary of this week’s evidence

This week at the Infected Blood Inquiry there were two presentations on regional blood transfusion…
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Read a summary of this week’s inquiry evidence

This week at the Infected Blood Inquiry there were three days of evidence from clinicians…
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Read a summary of this week’s inquiry evidence

This week at the Infected Blood Inquiry there were four days of evidence from three…
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Read a summary of this week’s inquiry evidence

This week the Infected Blood Inquiry Inquiry heard three days of evidence about blood services…
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Tribute to Peter Mossman

We were very sad to learn of the death of Peter Mossman, a long-standing campaigner…
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The Haemophilia Society’s compensation submission

We have submitted our views on the complex issue of compensation for those infected and…
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Read a summary of this week’s inquiry evidence

This week the inquiry heard 5 days of evidence from 4 experts in the blood…
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