Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

It’s important to note that not all individuals with a bleeding disorder are eligible for PIP support. To demonstrate your eligibility, you must provide evidence of how your bleeding disorder impacts your daily life and any additional care needs you may have. Providing a clear picture of your situation can increase your chances of receiving the support you need.

The purpose of PIP is to provide financial assistance to disabled individuals to cover additional expenses and support them in leading fulfilling, active, and self-sufficient lives.

PIP is available to all without any means testing and you won’t be taxed on the benefits you receive. Your eligibility for PIP does not depend on the amount of National Insurance contributions you have made. Whether unemployed, working part-time, or working full-time, you may qualify for PIP.

The length of your PIP benefit and how often it will be reviewed depends on your situation:

  • Fixed Period: PIP awards are typically for a set period, ranging from one year to ten years. The expected duration is based on the likelihood that your condition will change. The end date will be included in your award letter.
  • Review Schedule: Generally, awards exceeding two years will be reviewed before they expire. However, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has the discretion to call for a review at any time.
  • Ongoing Awards: For those with the most severe disabilities, an ongoing award may be granted. These are reviewed every ten years, but in a less detailed way (“light touch”).

To apply for PIP, you usually must have lived in England, Scotland or Wales for at least 2 of the last 3 years and live in one of these countries when you apply. You might still be able to get PIP if you’re a refugee or have humanitarian protection status.

Claim PIP for generalised osteoarthritis

In 2023, there were 192,509 PIP claimants with generalised osteoarthritis as their main disabling condition, making it the second most common condition to receive a PIP award out of over 500 conditions listed by the DWP. It’s important to note that the DWP has separate statistics for arthritis of the hip, knee, and other single joints, resulting in a total of 265,430 awards for all types of osteoarthritis. You should consider making a claim if you have generalised osteoarthritis affecting your daily activities such as cooking, washing, dressing, socialising, or mobility.

We have two factsheets available for people applying or being reassessed for PIP 

Factsheet 1 – Making a claim
Factsheet 2 – Assessment process

Speak to your haemophilia centre nursing team if you need more help filling in the form. You can also ask them to check your form before you send it off. It’s a good idea to keep a copy of your completed form. You can take it with you to your assessment and use it to make sure that you don’t forget anything you want to mention.

More information can be found here:

PIP Assessment 1
PIP Assessment 2
PIP Assessment 3
Personal Independence Payment Assessments
PIP Diary Record

Citizens Advice can also help you understand PIP.