Newly Diagnosed Families Weekend

  • TBC
  • FREE for members
Members Only

Our Newly Diagnosed Families weekends (NDW) are free events that support parents whose child has been diagnosed with a bleeding disorder. We bring together experts in bleeding disorders care to share knowledge and experiences, so families get the help they need to ensure their child receives the best care.

Our NDW events are open to families with a child/children (aged 0 to 17 years) diagnosed with a bleeding disorder in the past four years

Our sessions include presentations and demonstrations, giving everyone a chance to ask questions and find out what they need to know. It allows you to find out more about your child’s bleeding disorder. The weekend aims to give a brief overview of the bleeding disorders that affect the families attending each event.

While you are attending the sessions, there is specialised bespoke childcare. The team’s diversity and differing experiences mean they can cater and care for all age ranges, from two-week-old babies to teenagers. They work with you to guarantee that those charged to their care have the best possible time and are entertained at the most key parts of this event. All childcare staff hold an enhanced DBS certificate, ensuring the professionalism and character of the people looking after your children. 

Please note our Newly Diagnosed Weekends are very popular and there may be a waiting list. Please register your interest below if you would like to be invited to our weekend.

Families attending must be members of The Haemophilia Society. If you are not a member, please click the link to join – Become A Member.

You can read more about our Newly Diagnosed Weekends here.

    Newly Diagnosed Families Weekend - Register Your Interest

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