Talking Red Live – join us on 4 March 2023
Empowering women, Dispelling myths, Sharing knowledge
The Talking Red campaign was launched to make women more aware of the symptoms of a bleeding disorder – heavy periods, bruising easily and prolonged bleeding after a procedure or childbirth – and to promote a better understanding of what it means to live with such a condition.
We are now in the sixth year of the Talking Red campaign, and thanks to the fantastic support of women across the country we have spread the message further than ever before, but we still have lots more to do.
The next Talking Red Live day is on Saturday 4 March 2023 and is going to be bigger and better than ever. If you are a woman with a bleeding disorder, a carrier or their partner, then this event is for you! There are excellent speakers on a range of relevant topics, but the event is also a brilliant opportunity to come together with other affected women and girls to share experiences and talk about issues that affect you.
It’s really important that everyone has access to the best healthcare services. I feel very grateful to the Haemophilia Society for the opportunity to take part in Talking Red Live and to find out so much.
Laina, HS member
The Talking Red Live event is FREE to attend and open to friends and family too (although we are unable to provide childcare). Book your place from January 2023.
Join our community and get everyone Talking Red.